
Blog Update: New Expressions Section

I always find it interesting that no website project is ever finished. There is always going to be a version 1, 2, 3 e.g. Even this website is probably the 8th or 9th iteration since I bought the domain 10+ years ago. It has always been a challenge for me to keep my own website updated.

Between my company website, OllyJolly, and my other projects over time my personal website has always been in this limbo. What purpose should it serve, e.g. At one point, it was what I used for my freelancing, work portfolio, or a resume placeholder. With the changes of social media, I think now more than ever it’s important for people to have their own place to upload and publish content that they control and own.

With that, for anyone who is remotely interested. I simplified a few things and merge the former Art and Stories sections into a single Expressions section. So where Musing are just a dump of my thoughts, the new Expressions category will feature a combination of art and stories that in addition to my OllyJolly work will have more frequent updates. Hope you enjoy!